

Lean Complete Research Brief

During dieting, the body naturally tries to protect itself from perceived famine by going into starvation crisis mode. In this mode, the body starts clinging to fat deposits because those deposits will provide the most energy in the long run. Meanwhile, the body starts breaking down muscle tissue to use as energy. To counter this loss of lean muscle mass, protein consumption must be increased. Studies have shown that protein prevents the loss of lean muscle and actually helps rebuild these muscles.

In addition, maintaining the proper protein-to-carbohydrate dietary ratio is critical for optimal weight loss. Studies show that increasing the protein-to-carbohydrate ratio has positive effects on body composition, blood lipids, and satiety during weight loss. Carbohydrates are problematic because the body converts them into sugar via an enzyme called alpha-amylase and, when those sugars aren't used for energy, secretes insulin to convert them into glycogen, which can then be stored in fat cells. One of the best ways to eliminate this fat-storage cycle is to reduce intake of carbohydrates.

Research indicates that eating smaller, more frequent meals may enhance nutrient absorption, promote stable blood-sugar levels, and enhance metabolic rate. Current recommendations suggest that fat should provide no more than 20 to 30 percent of total caloric intake, carbohydrates should contribute approximately 40 to 50 percent of total caloric intake, and protein should make up the rest. In addition to maintaining these overall ratios in the diet, one should also strive to consume the proper types of macro nutrients  Fat intake, for example, should be high in unsaturated fat and essential fatty acids. The best food sources for such fats are soybeans and cold-water fish. Complex carbohydrates should be consumed in lieu of highly processed simple sugars. Complex carbohydrates have lower Glycemic indexes and also provide fiber to the diet. Proteins should supply all essential amino acids without increased consumption of fat. 



: providenceworks@hotmail.com  

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