
PRODUCT -- LEAN COMPLETE -FAQs --- 04-01-2013

Lean Complete FAQs

Q: If I take the Lean Complete Meal Replacement, do I still need to take a vitamin/mineral supplement?
A: It is recommended to take additional supplements along with the meal replacement. The Lean Complete Meal Replacement provides you with the basic vitamins and minerals equal to one meal. Our Rx for Life Core Health for Men and for Women provide you with nutrients such as antioxidants and phytonutrients that go beyond basic supplementation in offering anti-aging protection and support for the immune, cardiovascular, skeletal, muscular, and digestive systems.

Q: How does the Lean Complete Meal Replacement compare with Ultimate PerformanceTM Quad-PlexTM?
A: Ultimate Performance Quad-Plex was designed for athletes. Both products contain protein blends and a complete vitamin and mineral profile, but the Lean Complete Meal Replacement also contains a natural fiber blend to enhance the feeling of fullness. In both products, protein helps with appetite suppression.*

Q: Does the Lean Complete Meal Replacement contain any caffeine?
A: No. The formulation does not contain caffeine.

Q: Can vegetarians consume the Lean Complete Meal Replacement?
A: The formulation contains protein from milk and whey, so it is not a vegetarian product.

Q: Can people with concerns about blood-sugar levels use the Lean Complete Meal Replacement?
A: It is recommended that anyone with any type of health condition should check with a physician before consuming this product. 



: providenceworks@hotmail.com  

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