

Improving Diabetes
With all of the nutrient-depleted, processed foods and liquids we consume today, our modern diets cause a rapid fluctuation of glucose (sugar) and insulin levels in our blood. The peaks cause cellular damage and pancreatic stress. The lows cause sugar cravings and a lack of energy.

Taking Bios Life Slim before a meal slows the rate at which glucose (sugar) is released into your bloodstream, which reduces the amount of insulin your pancreas needs to produce.

Bios Life Slim keeps your glucose levels from spiking too high, as well as from dropping too low. This helps curb your urges to snack, and eliminates energy crashes. 

The resulting balance in your blood sugar levels when taking Bios Life Slim gives you more usable energy throughout the day, and prevents you from "giving in" to your sugar cravings.

The Biosphere Fiber in Bios Life Slim™ regulates blood glucose (sugar) levels through two mechanisms:

1. It delays the absorption of glucose, so your blood sugar does not reach extreme levels. This relieves stress on the pancreas, and allows it to produce the correct amount of insulin to facilitate glucose absorption into your cells. The same amount of glucose is eventually absorbed - it just takes more time to absorb it.

2. Biosphere Fiber also moderates glucose levels by changing the Glycemic index of the food. Some foods cause a high level of blood sugar, while others cause a low level of blood sugar. The interaction of Bios Life™ with the food reduces the overall level of blood glucose levels, and spreads out glucose absorption over a longer period of time.

Obviously, balancing glucose (sugar) levels in the blood naturally is very beneficial for Diabetics and those who are at risk of becoming Diabetic. The studies with Bios Life™ have shown that Diabetics can reduce their "after meal" sugar levels by taking Bios Life Slim™ 5-10 minutes before a meal.

The added proprietary chromium in Bios Life™ further sensitizes insulin, and allows a further decrease in average glucose (sugar) levels.

In a recent study presented to the American Heart Association's Annual Conference, it was concluded that Bios Life™ reduced the post-prandial glucose levels 28% and HbA1c levels 15%, indicating Bios Life Slim™ provides a natural option to improve Diabetes management, and equally as important, it can greatly reduce and even eliminate the risk of becoming Diabetic for those who are overweight.

"Because of its stabilizing effect on blood sugar, Bios Life® is a product I recommend to all my patients with Diabetes or Pre-diabetes." - Dr. Stewart Lonky, M.D "Because of my clinical findings I have integrated Bios Life in my treatment of Diabetes and cholesterol." - Vince Duenas, M.D.


Email  providenceworks@hotmail.com    

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